
About Children's Ministry

We relish the light that children bring to our congregation. We believe spiritual formation is a lifelong process that begins at an early age. As such, we offer a number of intentional, age-appropriate, spiritual formation opportunities for our children.

Children's Formation

Godly Play

Elementary-age students may join us for Godly Play. We create a safe and sacred space where children are deeply respected as they see, hear, and wonder about stories from the Bible, or from our Episcopal tradition.
Sundays 9 - 9:50 AM, September through May, in the Children's Chapel.

Preschool Sunday School

Let the Children Come is a program for exploring scripture with 3 and 4 year olds. We create an environment that invites preschool children to listen, taste, touch, move, and experiment. Each session centers around a Bible story chosen because of its appropriateness for little ones and its meaning with the whole biblical story of God’s creative and redeeming love. Sundays in the Nursery or in one of the classrooms in the Children’s Wing at 9 AM.

Children's Chapel

Children ages 4 through 6th grade are invited to participate in Children’s Chapel during the 10 AM worship service each Sunday. Prior to the Gospel reading, children are led by the crucifer to Children’s Chapel, a child-friendly worship space down the hallway from the church. This interactive, formational service includes music, a story, and prayers. The children will rejoin their families and the service during the announcements.

Christmas Eve Children's Pageant

The most joyful retelling of the nativity of our Lord is the Christmas Even Pageant, held every December 24th at 3:30 PM. Children ages 4 through 3rd grade will be cast in easy, non-speaking roles of angels, shepherds, and barnyard animals. Upper elementary students have the important task of narrating the story. There is room for every child to participate, even those who are visiting grandparents, friends, or neighbors!

Children's Community

Disciple Camp

Children ages pre-K and older are encouraged to participate as a “camper” at Disciple Camp, Saint Paul's annual Vacation Bible School program. Children engage with other children, youth and adults in an amazing, interactive, Bible-based experience as they discover God’s love and the joy of serving others.

Cameron Park Zoo Animal Blessing

The newest Saint Paul’s community event invites members to gather at the zoo for an afternoon of community and learning. As a group we meet at the pavilion for lunch and then explore a selected exhibit where we learn about the animals and then share the joy of giving God’s blessing in honor of the Feast of St. Francis each October.

Trunk or Treat

Halloween Fun at Saint Paul’s is planned for the Wednesday closest to Halloween each year in our parking lot and front lawn, 6:00-7:30 PM! Children dress in costumes and “trick or treat” from members' decorated trunks. There will be hot dogs, games, candy, and plenty of fall fun for all! Check our Events page for this year's date and more information.

Rotating Advent Celebration

During Advent, the season of anticipation, children can learn by doing. In a three year cycle we celebrate Saint Lucy, Saint Nicholas, or follow Mary and Joseph in our version of a Las Posadas. The children participate in this special liturgy and fellowship gathering and offer a visual gift of light and joy to the members of Saint Paul's.

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